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InterviewTHYBLATE RFAAndrew Stavros Makris of our EMEA team will meet Philip James, a medical journalist, during WCTC 2023 in London for an interview talking about the history of thyroid RFA and its benefits to patients. T... 더보기
MasterclassMYOBLATE masterclass in MadridGratitude to All Participants of the Masterclass on Uterine Fibroid Ablation! 🌟 My heartfelt thanks to everyone who attended the masterclass on the ablation of uterine fibroids held in Madrid today. It... 더보기
WorkshopMYOBLATE workshop in VietnamLast week, the MYOBLATE RFA workshop was held at Du Du Hospital, the largest gynecological hospital in Vietnam. With nearly 80 doctors in attendance, Dr. Lee Sunghoon (이성훈) from Namoojungwon Hospita... 더보기
Hands-on Training & Case ObservationsThyroid RFA in ArmeniaRecently, we have assisted with thyroid RFA training for experienced thyroid surgeons in Armenia, Dr. Armen Varzhapetyan. He performs about 900 thyroid surgeries per year, and he chose our radiofrequen... 더보기
SymposiumMYOBLATE symposium at GYNITALYWe will be at GYNITALY 2023 in Rome, from May 8 to 10. It is our first joint attendance with LiNA Medical, the exclusive distributor of MYOBLATE, we will showcase the MYOBLATE RF ablation system & prep... 더보기